Grace Lutheran Church
Brian Penn
Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Middle School youth meet weekly during the school year for fellowship and activities on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm.
High School youth meet weekly during the school year for fellowship and activities on Sunday afternoons at 4:00 pm.
Special events and service opportunities are also scheduled and publicized through the newsletter, youth bulletin board, and social media.
Bible Camp, Retreats, and Youth Gatherings are also a part of youth programming. Grace Lutheran youth can register for camp as part of a group or attend individually.
Elementary youth attend either Shetek or NeSoDak Bible Camp. Middle School youth attend Outlaw Ranch. High School youth participate in a variety of camp programs- either adventure or service based.
The ELCA National Youth Gatherings are held every 3 years. Grace Lutheran youth attend. Various fundraisers are held to cover the costs of attending the Gathering.
Confirmation for Middle School and 9th/10th graders covers Luther’s Small Catechism and other faith topics and meets at various times. If you have a confirmation aged students, talk to Pastor Siri for details.